
Shropshire and Herefordshire Union of Golf Clubs

Seniors Section

Seniors Captain
Mr Damian Scholes



To all Senior golfers of handicap 7 or less

Are you interested in playing in County Seniors matches?

We have matches throughout the summer against most Midland Counties as well as a number of Welsh Counties and local matches against Shropshire Ladies and SHUGC U14.  Some of these are played as friendly matches though there is a Midland League involving many of the Midland Counties

Inter-County matches are all played off scratch and involve 9-hole foursomes in the morning and 18-hole Better Ball in the afternoon.  For a small match fee you get coffee and bacon sandwich before you start, soup and sandwiches for lunch and an evening dinner before going home.

Friendly Matches are just 18-hole Better Ball matches but food is again involved.

Whilst all matches are competitive they are played with great camaraderie and are very enjoyable.  If you feel that you may not be competitive think again.  Other counties have players, like us, whose handicaps will be between scratch and 7.  So don't fear you will face scratch golfers week in and week out.

If you are interested or would like more information about SHUGC Seniors then please contact the County Seniors' Captain. 

Selection of teams takes place in mid-February so if you are interested and want to play please return the availability form asap.  If you later change your mind and want to play then let me know and we may be able to fit you in if someone drops out.  If you are 55 later in the year then you become available from the date of your birthday so complete the form indicating when you are 55.

Don't Miss Out Come and Join Us

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