
Shropshire and Herefordshire Union of Golf Clubs







The Union shall be called the Shropshire and Herefordshire Union of Golf Clubs (SHUGC).



The objectives of the Union shall be: -

(a) To promote and administer amateur golf within Shropshire and Herefordshire for men and juniors.

(b) To encourage and assist member clubs.

(c) To operate on behalf of England Golf (EG) and the Midland Golf Union Ltd (MGU) within the counties and to arrange meetings, competitions and matches.

(d) SHUGC is a non-profit making organisation and shall not make a distribution of any profits or surpluses save to another non-profit making body. In the event of dissolution of the Union the assets and property of the Union shall be distributed only to non-profit making bodies as directed by the Executive Committee.



The Union shall consist of the Clubs who are at present members, together with any additional Clubs who shall be elected from time to time. Applications for affiliation shall be made in writing and must be approved by the Executive Committee. New Clubs shall be elected following investigation by the Administrative Committee and upon receiving the support of at least 75% of clubs attending an Executive Meeting at which notice of application for membership is considered. Clubs seeking election shall pay an entrance fee to be decided by the Executive Committee, together with fees as required in accordance with this Constitution. Election shall not be complete until all payments have been settled. All Clubs and members shall comply with the following, unless written dispensation is given by the Executive Committee: -

(a) To abide by the Rules of Golf and Amateur Status as laid down by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews (R & A).

(b) To comply with the Rules and Regulations of the current WHS Handicapping System.

(c) To abide by the Constitution and Rules of EG and SHUGC and to respond in a timely manner to all information requests from these bodies.

(d) To include provisions that an annual meeting of members of each Club is called to elect officers and a Committee.

(e) Agree that the Union and the Shropshire Ladies Association may have the courtesy of the course and the necessary Clubhouse facilities on at least one occasion per year when requested, provided the reasonable notice is given.

(f)  Agree to provide the course free of charge for competitions and inter-club and inter-county matches organised by the Union and Ladies Association.

(g) Agree to participate in and become members of the County Card Scheme.



The Officers of the Union shall consist of the Immediate Past President and the following elected annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Executive Committee: -

(a) President; (b) President-elect; (c) Captain; (d) Secretary; (e) Treasurer; (f) Competitions’ Chairman; (g) Chairman of Junior Golf; (h) EG Voting Member (i) Team Manager.

The EG Voting Member and one other will be the SHUGC Representatives to the MGU.        

At the discretion of the in-coming President, the term of office for the President will be up to 2 years.



The governing body shall be the Executive Committee in which shall be vested the management of the Union. The Executive Committee shall consist of the following: -

(a) The Officers of the Union.

(b) All Past Presidents and all Honorary Vice-Presidents.

(c) Appointees – County Development Group (CDG) Representatives, Vice-Captain, 2nd Team Captain, Seniors’ Captain, Handicap Advisor and Course Assessment Co-ordinator.

(d) Two persons nominated by each Member Club. It is recommended that one should be the Club Secretary and that the other should be a member of the Club’s Committee.

(e) Such persons as may be elected or co-opted to carry out specific activities as required by the Executive Committee.

At all General, Executive and Administrative meetings the President, if in attendance, shall take the chair and, in his absence, the President-elect or, in his absence, the Immediate Past President. If all three are absent, then the meeting shall appoint a chairman.



At the AGM of the SHUGC Executive Committee delegates will be elected to represent the Union on each of the Councils of EG and the MGU.



The AGM of the Executive Committee shall be held in January of each year, or as near as possible thereafter. In addition, there shall be two Executive meetings normally held in May and September and further meetings as may be necessary.



There shall be an Administrative Committee which, between meetings of the Executive Committee, shall attend to the general administration of the Union. It shall be the body appointed to make decisions on any matters which arise during the golfing activities of the Union between Executive Committee meetings. The Administrative Committee shall consist of the following: -

a) the Officers of the Union, b) a CDG Representative, c) Seniors’ Captain, d) Handicap Advisor, e) up to 3 individuals nominated from, and voted for, by the Club representatives and f) any additional persons appointed, or elected, to that Committee by the Executive Committee.



In addition to the officials elected by the Executive Committee, the Administrative Committee shall appoint the following Sub-Committees for the effective administration of the Union:-


(a) Selection Committee which shall include: Team Manager (chairman), Captain, Vice-Captain, Second Team Captain, Chairman of Junior Golf.

(b) Competition Committee which shall include: Competitions’ Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Chairman of Junior Golf, Handicap Advisor and the Team Manager.

(c) Finance Committee which shall include: Treasurer (chairman), Secretary, Competitions’ Chairman. 

(d) Junior Committee which shall include: Chairman of Junior Golf, Junior League Administrator, Peewee Tour Administrator, Shropshire Girls’ Administrator.

(e) Seniors’ Committee which shall include: Seniors’ Captain (chairman) and Secretary of Seniors’ Golf.

The Administrative Committee has the power to nominate additional members to these sub-committees and to appoint additional sub-committees when required.


The President and Secretary are ex-officio members of all sub-committees.



a) Each Member Club shall have full voting rights at the AGM or Special General meeting and at any Executive Committee Meeting at which they are in attendance. Although permitted to have two representatives only one will be entitled to vote on behalf of the Club.

b) Officers will not be entitled to vote.

c) Past Presidents, Honorary Vice-Presidents and Appointees will not be entitled to vote unless nominated to do so as a Club Representative.

In the event of a tie, subject to the approval of the meeting on the issue involved, the Chairman of a General or Executive meeting shall have a casting vote.

At Administrative and Sub-Committee meetings, the chairman will have a vote and a casting vote in the event of a tie.

Member Clubs, Officers, Past Presidents, Honorary Vice-Presidents and Appointees will be permitted to propose or second any motions which they believe could benefit the Union.



The AGM of the Executive Committee shall elect the Officers of the Union. A certified financial statement shall be submitted for approval by the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall give notice of not less than 14 days of such meeting to all Officers, Executive Committee members and Club representatives. Any Club wishing to put forward a resolution for consideration must do so in writing to the secretary not less than 28 days prior to the date of the meeting. Reports will be presented by the Secretary, Treasurer, EG and MGU Representatives and by others as necessary.




A special meeting of the Executive Committee may be called at any time on 14 days notice in writing from the date of posting, if requested by any three Officers or by at least 25% of the member Clubs. Such written request shall state the business which is to be brought before the special meeting.



No rule or regulation of the Constitution of the Union shall be repealed or altered and no new rule or regulation shall be approved without a majority of at least 75% of the Member Clubs present at a General Meeting. Member Clubs shall be given not less than 14 days notice in writing of any proposed resolution intending to amend any part of this Constitution.

Other proposals for approval will also require 14 days written notice to Executive members.

At any General or Executive meeting, no new proposals will be allowed; amendments to previously notified proposals will be allowed at the discretion of the Chairman.


Each Club shall pay for all male playing members on its register (including juniors) such subscription as the AGM of the Executive Committee shall decide, together with the amount payable to EG and the MGU. Such subscription shall be fixed for the current financial year and shall be due 2 months from the subscription date of the club previously registered with the Treasurer. Clubs who have not paid by 30 days from that due date shall be suspended until payment in full has been received. Following imposition of suspension all members of the Club concerned shall cease to have a handicap and be ineligible to play in competitions. The clubs access to the WHS system will be suspended. On removal of suspension, handicaps shall be restored, access to the WHS will be restored and the Club and its members shall be entitled to enter future competitions, but there shall be no retrospective reinstatement. On application for the removal of a suspension a Club shall pay an administration fee of £l00, or such fee as the Administrative Committee shall fix from time to time.



The financial year of the Union shall be from 1st November to the following 30th October.



A quorum for General and Executive Committee meetings shall be not less than 50% of the Member Clubs’ Voting Representatives. Should there not be a quorum at a meeting the Secretary will reconvene the meeting as soon as possible. A quorum at the Administrative Committee and all other sub committees shall be 50% of those entitled to attend.



A Club affiliated to the Union shall be entitled at any time to resign by giving written notice. No affiliated Club, or Club within the geographical boundaries of the Union, shall be entitled to become a member of any other Union unless it shall receive 75% of the votes of the Member Clubs attending a meeting of the Executive Committee at which such application shall be considered. A Club shall not be removed from membership except by special resolution following the procedure under Rule 13.



Other than where specified in the Constitution, a simple majority shall apply to all decisions taken at the AGM and Executive, Administrative and Sub-Committee meetings.



Honoraria, in recognition of services rendered, shall be payable to the Officers of the Union. These shall be recommended annually by the Finance Committee and approved by the Executive Committee.



The disciplinary procedure shall be as laid down by EG. In addition, the Union will implement the disciplinary procedures as laid down in the conditions of entry to any event it organises. All Member Clubs and all competition entrants shall be so bound.



The following guidelines will be used in the appointment of Honorary Vice-Presidents of the SHUGC: -

1) To be nominated from time to time by the Administrative Committee and voted into Office by the Executive Committee.

2) Nominees must be officers or members of county member clubs and deemed to have served the County and/or county clubs with distinction. The award can also be made to an officer of a club, county or national union other than Shropshire and Herefordshire who is deemed to have given service to the county or considered to have earned the honour for services to golf.

3) Appointment of Honorary Vice-Presidents shall be for life.

Honorary Vice-Presidents are expected to provide assistance to the President and the President-Elect with matches and competitions when requested to do so.

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