The UK Government has announced a complete lockdown of England with immediate effect.
This means everyone must work from home where possible, except for critical workers, and it will supersede all local restrictions currently in place.
Golf clubs, golf facilities - both indoor and outdoor - and driving ranges will be required to close during this full lockdown. As such, coaching will not be permitted.
Golf retailers will be able to operate a click-and-collect service where goods are pre-ordered and either collected off the premises or delivered.
England Golf - as part of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Golf along with other leading industry bodies - is extremely disappointed with the news, having made a strong case in recent months to keep golf open during the national lockdowns and in the regional tier system.
It is with great regret that we share this news with you, but please be assured that we will continue to make the case for golf to reopen whenever possible.
The England Golf website and social channels are regularly updated and we will communicate any new information as soon as it is available.
Doug Parry
Shropshire & Herefordshire are looking to increase their regular pool of players for county matches.
The Team manager is targeting a squad of around 30 for our Midland League first and second team matches and he has appealed for any interested players with a handicap of four or less to step forward.
"We understand that it's not always easy for people to make themselves available for every match, but it would be fantastic if we could compile a squad of 30 or 35 players who would regularly be available for us to select from,"
Anybody interested in finding out more about the S & H first and second teams should contact the Teams Manager:
Sean McCarthy
Tel: 07533 228894
SHUGC is the administration body for amateur golf in the counties of Shropshire and Herefordshire. Affiliated to the English Golf Union, it's work covers course measurement, handicapping, County Championships, inter-County matches, inter-club matchplay events, Junior and Senior golf. It provides advice on a wide range of golf related questions.
Click here for a summary of what England Golf and SHUGC do for its members
Click here for a detailed description of what England Golf and SHUGC do for its members
Click here for SHUGC Fixture List (Constitution, Competition Rules & 2021 Diary)
Click here for SHUGC Safeguarding Adults Policy
Click here for SHUGC Safeguarding Children Policy