
Shropshire and Herefordshire Union of Golf Clubs

Centenary Texas Scramble

Friday 22nd July 2022, White Tees, Mile End Golf Club

(25%/20%/15%/10% from lowest to highest playing handicap)

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Results Score 
1stMichael DOWLING Snr, Jiri MAREK, Dave MARSHALL, James WOOD54 
2ndNorman Adams, Paul Howard, David Maton, Nigel Thomas55 
3rdDavid Ralphs, Dave Robson, David Rogers, Stu Smith55 
4thDavid Fisher, Steven Jolly, Richard Osborne, Tim Othen55 
5thgareth boxhall, Andrew CHAMBERS, Jamie Griffiths, Andrew MERRICK56 
6thAnthony Easthope, Bob Grovestock-Thompson, Jaz Heer, Gordon Jamieson56 
7thLeslie Baker, Gareth Jones, Nigel I Scott, Marcel Veillet57 
8thPhilip Ellis, Howard Jones, A C Lloyd, Andrew Williams57 
9thGlyn Biffen, Brendan O'Brien, Emyr Saer, Jon K Williams57 
10thGraham Cheshire, Rupert Munton, Craig shaw, Malcolm Weaver57 
11thKelvin Jones, Jamie Perry, Ryan Phillips, George Wall57 
12thJohn Cresswell, Doug Parry, Anthony Smith, Douglas Topple57 
13thKeith Greenfield, Gareth Husbands, Tony Langford, Trevor Large59 
14thM Challinor, Mike Foss, Tom Morris, Ray Poiner59 
15thJonjo Ashbrook, Carl Beddows, Daniel Perkins, Tom Sheridan60 
16thMartin Kerr, Michael Payne, Alan Priestley, Ian Worrall60 
17thTerry Brentnall, Doug Charman, Derek Morrow, Chris Poulter61 
18thDave Dickens, Carl Franks, Sean Gregory, Peter J Roberts61 
19thAntony Fox, Elis Hughes, Richard Orme, Nick Reed61 
20thClive Butler, Shaun Chambers, Tony Chambers, John Holder62 
21stWallace Frooms, Anthony C Mullineux, Mark Piggott, Don Wallington63 

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